December 2010
So much to talk about!
I've learned about myself over these past few years that when the going gets tough, I tend to internalize. I could have written about 10 blog entries over the past two months with all of [...]
July 2010
I’ve been thinking…
I love to write, but I don't love to write everyday on a blog about random thoughts, daily happenings, etc. So this site seems to be severely neglected, but my research about these tumors and [...]
June 2010
Checkup scan
My scan still continues to be stable! After the last one in February, UCLA said that I could wait 2 months instead of 3 to get another scan. I've been doing treatment only once a [...]
February 2010
The results of my MRI showed the tumor to be stable since my last scan, which was almost 3 months ago. How blessed am I? This time spent off of treatment was great not only [...]
Taking a step of faith
Several weeks ago, I felt like God was speaking to me about where I was putting my faith and trust with this tumor. Was I putting my ultimate trust in him that he would bring [...]
December 2009
Health updates
For those of you who are on this site to monitor what kind of treatment that I am doing that may be helpful in deciding your treatment plan, I am now adding which treatments that [...]