Brain Tumor Research

Day 2

its been a relatively quiet day today, as I'm sure you've noticed by the lack of updates. Here's a quick update: Charysse was moved out of ICU and into her own room tonight around 5pm PT. She's reporting that she's had no visual effects from the surgery. That's a miracle! She's already asking if she [...]

By |2011-02-25T22:51:54-08:00February 25th, 2011|Brain Surgery, Brain Tumor Research|14 Comments

I’ve been thinking…

I love to write, but I don't love to write everyday on a blog about random thoughts, daily happenings, etc.  So this site seems to be severely neglected, but my research about these tumors and ways to treat them is quite the contrary.  I am often looking for new news and information that I can [...]

By |2016-10-15T20:56:43-08:00July 28th, 2010|Brain Tumor Research, Cancer Nutrition|1 Comment
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