The results of my MRI showed the tumor to be stable since my last scan, which was almost 3 months ago.  How blessed am I?  This time spent off of treatment was great not only for a break, but so much better for my relationship with God.  I loved it.  I loved that when the fear crept into my head about being off of treatment and the implications it would have for the outcome of this scan, I remembered that I handed it all over to Him, and then I could breathe a sigh of relief.  It was up to him.  He wanted me to do this, so I had to trust him to take care of it.  And he did!

I challenge any of you going through an extremely difficult situation to put yourself (responsibly) in a position where you have to rely upon Him and his help and guidance.  The bondage of the crisis melts away and you often become more free than before the crisis began.  God is so faithful.  Why do we so often doubt?

I posted a testimonial for my naturopath on his new website.  Part of that testimonial said this:  In my world of cancer, he has by far become my most important ally. I have six doctors that I deal with regularly. Five of these doctors mean really well when it comes to treating my cancer. Dr. Nigh is the only one who has taught me that my body must first become well, in order to treat this cancer successfully.

I look at my cancer journey in a similar way spiritually.  I feel like God is teaching me that my relationship with him must become well, too, as part of this healing process.  Not that God can’t and wouldn’t heal me anyways, but for me, these past few weeks of having to lean completely on him was a breakthrough in my relationship with him.  My whole hope and trust was put in him, and the rewards of that have been amazing.  I don’t live everyday in fear of the unknown.  It’s in his hands and I feel like I’m doing my part in putting my body on the path to wellness and I think that he will bless that.  I truly believe that our body was meant to be self healing and that if we treat it correctly and give it the proper nutrition, that it will remain well.

My naturopath and I decided yesterday that the plan will be to do one day of treatment every week.  One day on, six days off.  Love it.  It’s a great treatment plan.  These tumors like to explode and upgrade overnight, so the treatment that I’m doing should keep that in check, but not overwhelm and alter my daily living.

God is good.  The people he has surrounded me with are incredible.  It is an absolute treasure and gift to be taken care of as well as I am.

If you’re dealing with something that is overwhelming, give it to him.  He wants to take it and let you rest in his palm.  Do it and you will be blessed.

I can tell you a little bit about that…