My journey began in 2004 when I was 26.  I was driving home after dropping some stuff off at work with my then 1 year old.  I began to feel a really weird sensation, so I pulled over.  That’s the last thing that I remember until I woke up at home in bed that night.  Somehow I had made it 20 miles back home and put myself and my son to bed.  After we figured out that I had a seizure, I had some testing done.

I found out several days later that I had a rather large brain tumor.  Surgery followed soon after that.  The surgeon was only able to remove part of the tumor.  The tumor remained stable until I was able to find another surgeon the following year who was able to remove the entire thing.  At that time, we were told that there was an 87% chance that it would not come back in the next 10 years.  Well, I lowered that statistic by having it recur 2 years later, which was a year ago.  I had another surgery in February of 2008, but not only had it upgraded to a grade 3, part of the tumor had become inoperable.  It was recommended that I start chemo and radiation ASAP, but I chose to go down the naturopathic road first.  This site documents that journey.


On October 13, 2014, after five surgeries and over 10 years of fighting, Charysse passed away.

This site is now being updated and maintained by her family.