
MRI scan results

I guess it's been awhile since I've been hanging out here.  Facebook makes for lazy bloggers, I think.  Most of you know that I had a scan this morning.  The scan was read extremely quickly, which is probably attributed to the fact that I had to be at the hospital at 6:30.  I knew there [...]

By |2016-10-15T20:56:44-08:00September 15th, 2009|Fodder, Scans|3 Comments

You might be a redneck if….you build your pool out of hay bales and tarps

Wow.  Summer is halfway over.  The weather has been amazing and so we're trying to soak up as much Vitamin D, as we all know the rain is just around the corner.  The only good thing about that will be that I will actually sit down and write some more because I won't feel guilty [...]

By |2016-10-15T20:56:44-08:00August 5th, 2009|Fodder, Just life, Scans, Treatment, Tulsa Treatment|Comments Off on You might be a redneck if….you build your pool out of hay bales and tarps

Driving and Appointments

I am officially legal to drive, again. Woohoo!! I had my appointment with my neurologist on Wednesday and she said I could drive, as long as it wasn't in front of her house. She said that my EEG from a couple of weeks ago looked good. My brain isn't "twitchy", which means it's not getting [...]

By |2016-10-15T20:56:51-08:00April 5th, 2008|Fodder|3 Comments

Vaccinations and anti-biotics……Oh my!

I made an appointment for Trent today, to get his 12 month vaccinations that we are a little tardy in getting. I guess it hasn't been a huge priority for me the past few months, with everything going on. The bigger part of it, though, is that I just hate doing them. I hate sitting [...]

By |2016-10-15T20:56:51-08:00March 27th, 2008|Fodder|1 Comment

Another email from Dr. Liau

OK. So I emailed her back to ask her about starting chemo, rather than radiation. Here is what she said: This is a very good question. Our neuro-oncologists recommended starting with radiation, but I know some neuro-oncologists at other centers would advocate starting with Temodar first. There's no clear "right" or "wrong" answer, in terms [...]

By |2016-10-15T20:56:51-08:00March 7th, 2008|Fodder|3 Comments
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