Tulsa Treatment

You might be a redneck if….you build your pool out of hay bales and tarps

Wow.  Summer is halfway over.  The weather has been amazing and so we're trying to soak up as much Vitamin D, as we all know the rain is just around the corner.  The only good thing about that will be that I will actually sit down and write some more because I won't feel guilty [...]

By |2016-10-15T20:56:44-08:00August 5th, 2009|Fodder, Just life, Scans, Treatment, Tulsa Treatment|Comments Off on You might be a redneck if….you build your pool out of hay bales and tarps

At last…

I have been trying to post a blog for over a week now.  My browser kept kicking me off when I would try and create a new post, so I finely conceded to use IE (I normally use Mozilla), and I can finally post!  We had such a great, relaxing time in Maui.  It seems [...]

By |2016-10-15T20:56:50-08:00June 4th, 2008|Cancer Nutrition, Tulsa Treatment|4 Comments
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