I guess it’s been awhile since I’ve been hanging out here.  Facebook makes for lazy bloggers, I think.  Most of you know that I had a scan this morning.  The scan was read extremely quickly, which is probably attributed to the fact that I had to be at the hospital at 6:30.  I knew there was a reason that I had a ridiculous appointment time.  Anyways, I am so humbled to say that the tumor has shown a subtle decrease in volume, which means the tumor is smaller than it was 8 weeks ago!!!  Amazing.  Completely amazing.  There were so many reasons that we would not have been surprised if this scan showed growth because of an increase in symptoms over the past few weeks, including quite a bit of seizure activity. We would’ve been so blessed to have a stable scan, so a tumor size reduction is absolutely thrilling!  I believe very strongly in the treatment that I have been doing, but I believe even more strongly in a God that answers prayer.  And He has.  And I am so blessed.

I won’t meet with my naturopathic doctor until next week, but I’m assuming that we’ll keep the treatment plan the same.  For those of you wondering what that is, I’ve been doing the following treatment for the past 8 weeks since my last scan:

Alternating Temodar (chemo), High dose Vitamin C and DMSO

I have been overwhelmed with the volume of messages that I have received over the past few days of encouragement, love and support. All of you who are constantly praying for us and sending us encouragement are such an integral part of us getting through this cancer journey. It is hard. So hard. But because of you, we are blessed. And I truly can’t say that I would change a thing. It’s so obvious in hindsight that every little detail has been worked out by God and has happened for a reason. And there’s something extremely gratifying and rewarding about that. We are hoping that we will soon be finding gratification in things other than those associated with a brain tumor, but we are believing that this reduction in tumor size is just the start of amazing things still to be seen on this journey.