Brain Surgery

Day 2

its been a relatively quiet day today, as I'm sure you've noticed by the lack of updates. Here's a quick update: Charysse was moved out of ICU and into her own room tonight around 5pm PT. She's reporting that she's had no visual effects from the surgery. That's a miracle! She's already asking if she [...]

By |2011-02-25T22:51:54-08:00February 25th, 2011|Brain Surgery, Brain Tumor Research|14 Comments


We finally got to go into the ICU to see Charysse. It didn't take long for her snarky side to come out. About a minute after we got there, someone said something and she corrected their grammar. Attagirl. She's in a lot of pain—who wouldn't be after getting a craniotomy—but they are working to get ahead [...]

By |2016-10-15T20:56:41-08:00February 24th, 2011|Brain Surgery|27 Comments

Surgery is Over

Good news: the surgery went as planned and Charysse is doing well! We just met with Dr. Liau and she told us that she was able to remove the majority of the tumor. The tumor that is left is simply inoperable. The initial reports from pathology indicate that the tumor is still low grade—yay!—however we will [...]

By |2011-02-24T19:30:06-08:00February 24th, 2011|Brain Surgery, God's healing, Linda Liau|7 Comments
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