Good news: the surgery went as planned and Charysse is doing well!

We just met with Dr. Liau and she told us that she was able to remove the majority of the tumor. The tumor that is left is simply inoperable. The initial reports from pathology indicate that the tumor is still low grade—yay!—however we will not have final confirmation until the middle of next week. Dr. Liau also reported that the tumor and brain both showed signs of swelling, which would contribute to Charysse’s increased seizure activity. It is her hope that the de-bulking will sharply decrease her seizures activity. We are waiting for Charysse to wake up to find out how much of her vision has been lost. Dr. Liau’s estimates that she’ll lose the peripheral vision in the lower quadrant. However, she will still be able to see out of that eye. This is what we expected and continue to hope for. Finally, they will start testing the tumor tissues to see what kind of treatment it’ll respond to best. This will help guide the treatment course going forward.

We are thankful for this good report. Of course, we wanted to hear that she was able to get 100% of the tumor, but that’s not what this surgery was for. The goal was to de-bulk the tumor and that’s exactly what happened. The best news of all, the tumor appears to be low grade still—BONUS!

Thanks for your continued thoughts and prayers. We are definitely seeing the fruit of them.