Dr Liau just came out to tell us the surgery is over and they are now wrapping her head with the fashionable gauze turban, she referred to.  She was stable throughout the procedure and did very well.  We thank all who prayed today.  We will be able to see her about 7:00 PM PST.

The results of the surgery remain inconclusive.  What we know is that the “swelling” was tumor. It was a new tumor that was growing under the normal brain tissue in an area that was before empty, from the previous surgeries.  It was approximately 3cm, or just over 1 inch.  She was able to remove most of it, but not all. There remains some that is too close to the brain stem to be able to get.  What will need to happen next will be dependent on the results of the labs.  We won’t know that until next Wednesday.

It’s not what we wanted to hear, but we know that God’s hand is in getting us here now and discovering this sooner than later.  He will not leave us as we walk these next days and weeks to come.