

March 2009

This and That

By |March 6th, 2009|Categories: Just life|

Wow.  It's been awhile, eh?  So busy with so many random things going on.  Here's the rundown. On the health front, I'm starting my second round of chemo on Sunday night, which will go for [...]

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February 2009

UCLA Responds

By |February 19th, 2009|Categories: Linda Liau, Scans|Tags: , |

We finally heard back from Dr. Liau last night.  She said that the brain tumor board (that always seems weird to say) reviewed my scan yesterday, and although they agree there has been some growth [...]

Chemo is in the house

By |February 11th, 2009|Categories: Just life|Tags: , |

Chemotherapy has officially begun.  So far it just feels like a fairly bad case of the flu.  I really can't complain, considering it is chemotherapy, and it's only for 5 days at a time.  I [...]

Scan Results

By |February 6th, 2009|Categories: Linda Liau, Scans|Tags: , , |

We received the finalized MRI results and the tumor has shown some mild growth.  Devestated?  No.  Disappointed?  Yes.  We haven't been nearly as aggressive in the DMSO therapy since my last scan and in fact [...]

December 2008

Finally….an update

By |December 11th, 2008|Categories: Just life|Tags: |

I've been suffering from a case of blog neglect. It seems that there are so many other things that have been drawing my attention elsewhere. Here's a quick recap of the latest: a. My PET [...]

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