Wow.  It’s been awhile, eh?  So busy with so many random things going on.  Here’s the rundown.

On the health front, I’m starting my second round of chemo on Sunday night, which will go for 5 days.  The first round was definitely a learning curve of what and what not to do.  Hopefully I can implement the things that I learned to make this a more pleasant experience.  An oxymoron for sure, chemo and pleasant, but it could definitely be worse than it is.

I am contuining to do my natural IV treatment in between the chemo rounds.  It feels so good to be constantly attacking this thing, rather than take chemo, but then take 23 days off of anything.  I’m feeling great, other than some focal seizures every now and then.  Thankfully, I am now 3 months past my last grand mal seizure, so only 3 more months until I can drive legally.  Woohoo! Next scan will be May 3rd.  With everything that I am now doing, we are believing for some response in the tumor.  God willing that it disappears.

Other than all of that boring health rot, things are busy here on the dairy.  We are building a new parlor, which is nearing completion.   It will be so lovely when my husband can come home and not be interrupted by 10 phone calls about the parlor, right when he walks in the door.  It looks amazing, and definitely dresses up the dairy.  We will then be able to milk the cows 3 times a day, rather than 2, so that will definitely help off-set the irritatingly low milk prices.  This is why you can go to the store and buy Yoplait yogurt for $.50, rather than $.80 right now.  As you would guess, we are conflicted about this issue.  Cheaper grocery bills are always a good thing.

Other than that, we’ve actually been able to get out and do some fun stuff.  Marvin and I went to the Dierks Bentley/Brad Paisley concert.  Can I just say that BP is a brilliant guitar player and song writer?  He is always  a great concert, and we happened to have snagged great seats, right at the end of the middle catwalk.  Loved that.  We also went to an exciting Blazer game with some friends this past Wednesday, also sin el niños.  It has been so nice to pull my husband away from the dairy without kids.

We’ve been inundated with family here for the past couple of weeks.  Marvin’s nephew came and stayed with us for a week, followed by his entire family coming, followed by my parents now being here.  It’s definitely a lot of family in a small window, but it’s been great.  My nephew took 3rd place in the state wrestling championships.  Yeah, he’s a stallion.  It’s so lovely having my parents here, which equates to cheap in-house babysitters.  And my parents are always a good time.  With them around, it  somewhat allows me to indulge my denial that I’m now the mature parent.  Errrr…. parent, and not the kid. 

So there’s the Hesse household in a blogshell.  Not too exciting, but we’re trying to work on at least throwing some fun excitement in our lives, rather than all of this silly medical drama all the time…

Your constant phone calls, emails, cards, comments on FB and MS are so appreciated.  We really are doing well, thanks to so many prayers and love from people around us.  So thank you from the very bottom of our hearts.