Well folks, I finished up DMSO last Friday night. I was so anxious to be done with it all that I actually did 2 doses that night, rather than one. So I double-dipped, just in time for one of our friend’s weddings on Saturday. Everybody was so sweet about it, but I know that I had to have been quite potent. I was trying to not pass out too many kisses, but it was really hard not to get close to people because there were so many there that I hadn’t seen in a long time. Oh well. I guess I’ll find out who my true friends are, eh?

I never did get the fever and chills, but both doctors at the clinic assured me that this could just be good luck. Not everybody has to get those, in order to have a good scan. My PET scan is this Friday and I probably won’t find out the results until the middle of next week, I’m guessing. My neurologist is booked out until October, so she will just call me with the results after they’re read by the radiologist. And so we wait. I’m not sure that I’ll ever get used to this waiting game. When it’s time for a new scan every couple of months, the anticipation can be quite nerve-wracking. I’ll keep you posted.