Brain Surgery

On the road, again…

Ok, not quite.  But only 31 more hours until I can get out of here!!!  I am SO excited about that.  I've been emailing back and forth with my neurosurgeon today and she said that my post-op MRI looks good.  I had that done yesterday.  She said that the tumor that she left in there [...]

By |2008-02-23T15:47:15-08:00February 23rd, 2008|Brain Surgery|7 Comments

I’m ba-ack!

Ohmyword!!! What sleep does for a person! We had to pay extra to get a private room, but at the point I was yesterday, I would've paid $1000's to get one. They had me in ICU the night before and I got caught up on all of these doctors/nurse's lives the entire night. I'm like....and [...]

By |2016-10-15T20:56:53-08:00February 23rd, 2008|Brain Surgery|8 Comments

In her private room

We hope all they hear from her tonight is a whole lot of Zzzzzzzzzzz's coming from her private room. She is very grateful to be there and finally able to get some much needed sleep. She 's complaining some of the pain, but if she can sleep, I think it will go a long ways [...]

By |2016-10-15T20:56:53-08:00February 22nd, 2008|Brain Surgery|2 Comments

What we know

We are a family of "processors", meaning we take in the details, consider the facts, weigh the options, etc. etc. before we do much talking.  Yesterday's news gave us pause to "process".  Now we can talk about what we learned.  This is what we now know.... 1_)  The swelling was definitely new tumor hiding under [...]

By |2008-02-22T14:38:08-08:00February 22nd, 2008|Brain Surgery|3 Comments

What a husband!

Marvin was up at the hospital early this AM. Poor guy is not getting much sleep. For him to accomplish this, he has to walk from a parking lot over a mile away. It's been quite cold and rainy in the AM's, so we know that was a heart driven to be with his wife [...]

By |2008-02-22T14:01:28-08:00February 22nd, 2008|Brain Surgery|1 Comment

Kyle says it best

What my family and I went through today has been tough to describe. Even now, I cannot find the words to express what I am feeling and thinking. Rather than force my thoughts to find words and sentences, the song, Hiding Place by Jared Anderson says it best…for now: I have found myself a hiding [...]

By |2008-02-22T08:27:55-08:00February 22nd, 2008|Brain Surgery|1 Comment
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