Marvin was up at the hospital early this AM. Poor guy is not getting much sleep. For him to accomplish this, he has to walk from a parking lot over a mile away. It’s been quite cold and rainy in the AM’s, so we know that was a heart driven to be with his wife to make that trek.  We had a plan to pick him up, but he just couldn’t wait.  😉

We love how he loves our daughter. It’s heart warming to see how he steps up to take care of every little thing for her to make it easier on her. Like, getting her a private room today. He stepped up to the plate and spent the extra dollars to ensure she will get some sleep today. The “BCU” has not been at all accommodating on that score. It is one big room with lots of people, staff, phones ringing (on the wall at the end of her bed) and rounds of interns (remember it’s a teaching hospital). It’s crazy.

She looks great today. Much more color in her face. And lots of smiles and winks going on between her and her husband. It is very sweet.