I’m posting some pictures from the premiere last night, for those of you who don’t believe our story. It was slightly chaotic, so they’re a little blurry, but I think still clear enough so you can see that we didn’t make the whole thing up…..

Today was great, just hanging out with my family all day. It’s always fun to be together, even if it is for brain surgery. We try to make the most of the time we have together. My brother bought some Nascar tickets for this weekend for him, Marvin and my dad. There are 2 things that are great about this: 1. That they can have some good male bonding time at a sporting event 2. That they won’t be sitting in my hospital room staring at me everyday. Everybody wins here. Last brain surgery, to get the boys out of my hair, I found some UCLA football tickets online the day after surgery. It was awesome. The Bruins were not only playing at the Rose Bowl for that game, which is not their normal stadium, but they weren’t sitting in my room staring at me all day, either! Although, if anybody should’ve been able to go that game, it should’ve been me. Speaking of football, for those of you who aren’t Pete Carroll fans….he really isn’t a very nice guy in person, either (He was at the premiere last night).

I told you I wouldn’t ramble again, but I promise you will not hear my rambling tomorrow. We covet your prayers tomorrow, as you already know. One thing I didn’t mention before, that I would be grateful that you would pray for, is that my left visual field will be unharmed tomorrow. There is a possibility, because of where the tumor is, that it could damage my left-hand peripheral visual field. I already have some minor damage from the first 2 surgeries, but there is a risk of having some significant damage from going in that same area, again. Thank you so much. You are all amazing, and I love you. I’m going to head to bed now because I’ve got some stuff going on tomorrow. Good night…