I have been trying to post a blog for over a week now.  My browser kept kicking me off when I would try and create a new post, so I finely conceded to use IE (I normally use Mozilla), and I can finally post!  We had such a great, relaxing time in Maui.  It seems like we’ve been home for months, already, but yet I can’t believe I’m leaving this weekend, already, for Oklahoma.  

I’m going to go ahead and paste an email that was sent to us by the clinic, explaining the treatment that we will be receiving.  A lot of you have been asking for specific information about what we’re doing exactly, so here it is:

For the first four days they are given formula A, which consists of high dose vitamin C+B17 (formerly known as Laetrile) in combination with a full dosage of DMSO, to carry it into the malignancy better. Then on day 5, they are switched off to formula B, which consists of sodium bicarbonate in D5W. The patient usually has a Herxheiber reaction during this time, which is your hard evidence that the treatment is hitting the target. At the end of the 8 days on formula B, we switch the patient off onto formula C, which consists of DMSO bound with sterile dextrose, which acts as the “bait” for any malignancy which might be remaining. They finish out their round of 20 treatments on the DMSO/dextrose formula.

We have been successfully treating prostate cancer, as well asglioblastoma multiforme and astrocytoma, for over ten years and counting. Although DMSO is our primary chemotherapy agent(natural, non-toxic, yet powerfully effective) we also have incorporated Dr.Simoncini’s Sodium Bicarbonate, as well. DMSO,being highly alkaline and fungicidal, is a potent cancer killer by itself, as well as being a great carrier solvent, which will bind with and deliver anything of a similar molecular structure. Thousands of patients have received it, going back over 30 years, in many published clinical trials. Yet you will never hear about it, because it is a natural, botanically derived substance which is unpatentable, and therefore in direct competition with costly chemotherapy chemicals which are the standard of mainstream medicine. Despite all the evidence for efficacy of DMSO as an effective nontoxic chemotherapy agent, the FDAhas never approved it for that purpose. Because of DMSO’s special properties as a carrier solvent, it can bind with any other substance of a similar molecular structure and carry it across the cell membrane, right into the tumor.  When it is given intravenously, it crosses out of the circulation and totally saturates the soft tissues and even penetrates the blood/brain barrier, which is why it is so effective against brain malignancies. It will gently and painlessly eradicate a brain tumor without causing any collateral damage to nearby healthy structures, unlike surgery. And because it can also penetrate deep into the bone marrow, it is effective against myeloma and late stage prostate cancer, which typically goes into the deep pelvic bones.

So that is what we will be doing over the next couple of weeks, in a nutshell.  Treatment will last 1 1/2 – 2 hours everyday, so that will leave plenty of time the rest of each day to do…..errrr….ummm.  What is there to do in Tulsa?  I plan on working quite a bit, especially with my mom there.  It’s a great opportunity to use her brain, since she designed the software that I’m testing, to help me find the bugs that I’m supposed to track down.  I don’t look at using her as cheating, just utilizing my resources wisely (wink, wink).  It’s a crazy serious bummer that it’s not football season right now, or we could catch some good college games out in Oklahoma.  Only 8 more weeks until season openers, by the way.  Now THAT is something to be excited about! 

Thank you so much for your continued prayers and encouragement.  We’re amazed at how supportive everybody has been about our decision to go down this road.  We feel a sense of relief in so many people that have experienced loved ones with cancer, that this is a great next step.  God has worked the details out in every little way, so we’re going in peace.  I will be blogging about our treatments quite often, while over there, since I’ll have nothing better to do ( ;   







By |2016-10-15T20:56:50-08:00June 4th, 2008|Cancer Nutrition, Tulsa Treatment|4 Comments

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About the Author:

I am married to Marvin. I have 2 boys. Tyler is 9 and Trent is 5. I am an 8 year brain tumor survivor, and am currently fighting a recurrent grade 3 Oligo-Astrocytoma.


  1. Uncle Cal June 4, 2008 at 10:50 am

    Charysse — Just a note to let you know that through a succession of contacts from some info I sent to a friend to a friend to a friend about DMSO and that you are being treated in Tulsa, a couple who we know and had already decided to get her well progressed breast cancer treated in, I believe, Italy, found their doctor listed as an associate of the Oklahoma group. From that info I sent in a “Here’s some interesting stuff on alternative treatments” sort of way, they considered that connection a confirmation that they are also pursuing a correct course.

    I’ll give them your blog address also, as I’ve also shared it with others dealing with these internal invasions.

    Auntie Renie and I daily (nightly) lift you and your Dad up to God for His oversight and care in all of this, and for strength for Marvin and the kids. And I’m sure you’ve come to the place where you can say, like Job: Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him. —– At some point in things, that ol’ lion can’t intimidate us anymore. Faith abides and fear whimpers away.

    We love you.

  2. Pam @ Water Store June 4, 2008 at 6:45 pm

    Charysse… You will be in my thoughts during this 2 week period… you have a great support system. Keep fighting! See you when you get back.

  3. Terah June 5, 2008 at 6:57 am

    Hello, my cousin. Thanks so much for the update. I’ve been thinking about you guys a lot lately, and praying for you. I love you so much!

  4. Sara@MillerMoments June 25, 2008 at 4:43 pm

    OK, Charysse – I just found ya through Kyle via Facebook via his blog and now I’m here catching up on your story a bit – cancer? Brain surgery? Tulsa? So – are you in Tulsa right now??? (6/25) Because, oh my stinkin’ heck – if you are, we have to CONNECT! I live in Broken Arrow – are you doing treatments at CTCA? PLEASE, call or email me ASAP – let’s get together!!! 9182868335

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