We have finally escaped from our crazy lives and are relaxing in Maui. It is soooo good to be here just laying around the pool and soaking in the sun. It’s great to be with my parents, too. It hit me today that I have not spent Mother’s day with my mom in over 10 years. I couldn’t think of a better place to celebrate with her!

To update everybody on the “plan”, I have decided to try a natural treatment at a cancer clinic in Tulsa, Oklahoma in June, before I will do chemo or radiation. It is a combination of 4 different treatments given through an IV for a couple of weeks. I have to stay at the clinic for 10 days, and if all goes well, I can finish the treatments up at home. I’ll have a PICC line in my body, so once I’m home, I will just have to hook up to my IV bag everyday to finish out the treatments. Cool, eh? I’ve earnestly prayed about this decision and feel like it’s the right one. I have the option of chemo and radiation down the road if it’s needed, but I think that I have a great chance of beating this cancer going this route, so I’m going to try it! My dad has decided to do the same thing, as well, so we’ll be going to the clinic together. How many father-daughter teams do you think they’ve treated simultaneously at their clinic? I’m venturing to say we might be the first. He is going to try this treatment before undergoing surgery. He might do that afterwords, if needed. It will be very hard to be away from my family for that long, but I know God’s grace will carry all of us through this. He’s carried us this far, so I take great comfort in that. What a blessing to have my parents (my mom is coming, too, for moral support) there with me, though. Because of this, we have decided it’s best for Marvin to stay home with the boys so we’re not both away from them.

Thank you for being so faithful in praying for us and sending us your love and encouragement. We covet your continued prayers for healing and protection for our entire family.

Boys on the lanai