I thought I should post a blog since it’s been a very long time.  It’s been challenging to have time and actually want to sit down at the computer lately.  I love summer!  I was supposed to have scans this morning, but they had to get changed to next Tuesday due to a scheduling conflict.  This is closer to 8 weeks from the last, anyways.  Life has been quite busy lately.  Between my endless medical appointments and summertime with the kids, there is always something going on.  It’s so nice to have Tyler home to play with Trent in the mornings.  They are becoming quite close now, so it’s fun to watch them grow together.  Whenever they’ve been apart and see each other again, they always give each other a big hug and pat each other on the back.  SO cute.  Think that will last for the next 10 years?  Neither do I.

We were able to get about 1000 miles away from cows and doctors for 8 days in California a couple weeks ago.  We spent a little bit of time in northern California with Johnny and Melinda (Marvin’s sister) at their house and then headed down to San Diego with them for a week.  We hit up Sea World, the beach, stayed at an RV resort that was right on the bay and just hung out.  It was amazing.  The weather was perfect, the company was perfect, it couldn’t have been a better week.  It was a much needed break for our family.  Marvin has been going 24/7 with the dairy for the past year and if he’s not working, he’s dealing with some kind of medical something in my life.  I actually went a couple of days on this vacation without once thinking about this tumor.  I am not at all exaggerating when I say that it has been a couple of years since that has happened, probably before my tumor recurrence.  So that was amazing to be able to be so distracted by having fun that we didn’t think about all of the other ‘stuff’ going on in our lives.

We’ve had some tough times in our house lately.  Because Tyler is getting older and aware of a lot more now than he was when he was younger, he’s now asking why I have to go to the hospital and doctors so often.  He starts crying if I have any focal seizures come on and he’s with me because he’s scared.  He’s seen a couple of my grand mal seizures which doesn’t help that situation.  He tells me all the time that he’s worried about me.  It’s heartbreaking to watch him deal with all of this.  We are praying, pleading that these next scans show some good news.  We could sure use some!

Trent is finally putting forth more effort to talk.  It’s about time!  It’s really cute.  We’re hoping he learns to speak well soon, but just not as much as his brother does(-;

I’m still doing chemo which is going ok, as well as natural IV therapies.  We’re hoping to create some sort of synergy with the 2 different treatments to get a response from this tumor.  If the scan shows some growth, it will be a very hard decision of how to proceed.  Radiation is recommended by all doctors, but since we’ve been told that it won’t help me live longer anyways, and it could cause some pretty significant side effects including causing a high grade tumor of what I already have, then it seems illogical to go down this road.   So we’ll just take it a day at a time.  The story of our lives…

We still feel blessed, though.  We have so many loving and supportive people around us.  We know we are covered in prayer and serving a God that can heal.  We are claiming healing in my life, hopefully sooner rather than later.  We know God is good so we’re just resting in that.  I will post with results when we get them.  Scans are July 7th (how is it July already???), so hopefully by the end of next week we’ll get some news.  Until then…