I received an email this morning from Dr. Liau, and here is exactly what she said:

So far, the pathologists are still calling your tumor a low-grade glioma (grade II).  However, they have not finished all the stains yet, so have not ruled out the possibility of a grade III.  We will hopefully get the final results by the beginning of next week.  Since the final pathology was not available yet, we will discuss your case again at next Wednesday’s brain tumor board meeting and I will get back to you then.  
So you know what we know!!  This is good news, and are praying that it remains low grade.  What a blessing that would be!  We’re all continuing to do well here.  It’s been beautiful, so yesterday I was able to take a long, hot shower and then go lay down on a blanket outside in the sun for awhile.  Glorious!!!!  We love you all, and continue to covet prayers, as we wait some more……