
Scan time, again…

I recently had a PET and MRI scan done on December 1st.  Both scans are showing the tumor to be stable.  Amazing news!  We decided after the last scan to take out the chemo (Temodar) and just do the natural IV treatment that I've been doing over the past 18 months.  We didn't really feel [...]

By |2016-10-15T20:56:44-08:00December 14th, 2009|Scans, Uncategorized|2 Comments

The swine flu vaccine – helpful or hurtful?

Seriously.  Are there any clever play on words that have yet to be thought of surrounding all of the hoopla of the swine flu virus?  I'm so tired of it headlining everything I watch and read.  You?  But even though I'm becoming immune to caring about anything that has to deal with the subject, I [...]

By |2016-10-15T20:56:44-08:00October 5th, 2009|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The swine flu vaccine – helpful or hurtful?

Please take time and watch this video

If you have a chance, please take time and watch this video: http://www.know-the-cause.com/Shows/TullioSimonciniMDWithDougKaufmann/tabid/109/Default.aspx Many of you know that I am addicted to research. I have been researching my brain tumor, stumbling across most other cancers along the way, since I was diagnosed 4 1/2 years ago. Everything that I have researched makes this video make [...]

By |2016-10-15T20:56:48-08:00October 31st, 2008|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Please take time and watch this video

Scans, Pumpkin Patches and Grace

We have calculated that I will be finished with the current treatment that I am doing on November 3rd. Can I tell you how excited I'll be to not have to schedule my life around whether or not I'm going to smell like DMSO?? I'm going to a concert on Monday night with a couple [...]

By |2016-10-15T20:56:48-08:00October 23rd, 2008|Uncategorized|1 Comment
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