Yeah, it’s been awhile. We’re topping the off the last day of summer Oregon style today….pouring down rain. So I thought it was a good time to update my blog. I’ve been trying to squeeze every last moment that I can out in the sun with the boys before our weather changes, thus the blog hiatus. Not much new to report. Life can never be completely boring around here, though. I did have a seizure in town a couple of weeks ago. It was scary. I was alone and in my car. Thankfully I was able to alert a man coming out of the store (I pulled into a parking lot to park the car. THANK GOD for auras). He was able to call Marvin, but then called 911 after watching me have the seizure. I thought it was kind of funny that he called 911 because of all the seizures that I’ve had over the last several years, I’ve never gone to a hospital after one. I guess if I saw somebody having a grand mal seizure, though, that I might have made that same decision.

Other than that, I’m still dripping away every night. We have yet to set a date, but around mid-October I will finish treatment and get a MRI/PET scan.

Tyler is still loving school. He bounces into our bedroom every morning around 6:30 informing us that it’s time to get up and get ready. I’m hoping that this zeal for school lasts for the next 12 years.

Trent is suprisingly having a rough time without Tyler around in the mornings. I was thinking that I would have a few quiet and productive hours of work in the morning, while Trent quietly keeps himself entertained. Yeah, not so much. Whenever I get on my laptop to work, Trent is climbing into my lap trying to sit on my laptop. I smile warmly at his grinning little face and think “How cute. I’m going to miss this someday.” Ok, maybe not. But I am trying to remind myself what every person with kids has told me. They’re only young once, so enjoy them while you can. I’m realizing that this time alone with him in the morning is a blessing. He will be off to school before I know it, I’m sure.

Marvin is doing well. I don’t think he could have much more going on in his life. Between his normal job he does everyday, building a new parlor, fixing equipment that keeps breaking down and starting tomorrow, chopping corn, he has time for little else. On top of that, he is my own personal chemist. He’s the one that mixes my IV bags every night and hooks me up, flushes my PICC line, etc. He’s amazing. Please say a prayer for the guys that these next couple of weeks will go smoothly on the dairy. They’ve had one breakdown after another this past week. They start chopping 500 acres of corn tomorrow, so there’s a lot going on. We really need the weather to cooperate, too. Corn is very late this year, so we’re flirting with the rain.

On a side note, if you are wanting information from me or have some specific questions that you would like me to answer, please leave a comment with your email address and I will contact you that way. I would like to personally respond to you, rather than respond on my blog to requests for information. Thanks…