February 23, 2010Scans are showing that the tumor is stable.  Next scan in 8 weeks.

Treatment since last scan:  alternating IV DMSO/phosphatidylcholine and high dose vitamin C.  Took 4 weeks off of all treatment (see blog).

September 15, 2009MRI is showing that the tumor has had a subtle decrease in size since July scan.  Next scan in 8 weeks.

Treatment since last scan:  alternating IV DMSO/phosphatidylcholine and high dose vitamin C.  One round of chemo.

July 7, 2009Scans are showing that the tumor is stable.  I’ll keep doing chemo, as well as high dose Vitamin C and DMSO.  Next scan will be on September 10th.

May 8, 2009 – Scans are showing slight growth, again.  The chemo doesn’t seem to be effective, but it is still presenting as low grade.  We’ll continue chemo for 8 more weeks and then go heavier on the IV DMSO treatment.

February 6, 2009 – Scans are showing mild growth of the tumor, but the tumor is still presenting as low grade.  Next step will be to begin Temodar (chemo) on February 9th.  I will take that for 5 days, followed by 23 days off, and then probably get a follow-up scan in 3 months.  I will continue to do adjunctive therapy with this treatment.

January 31, 2009 – I will be finishing this round of DMSO. After we receive the scan results, we will decide what the next step of action will be.

November 11, 2008 – PET scan and MRI scan are showing that the tumor is stable at approximately 1cm, and that it is presenting as low grade.